Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Another blog is born

Like a little tadpoal in an immense pond...yet another blog...yet another KNITTING OBSESSED blogger...

Maybe I'll start by telling you a little about myself...
Born in France a long time ago, grew up in Paris (such a cute little girl!), moved to the suburbs of London and moved again to Anglia 2 and a half years ago...
No pets, no kids, currently posted in Dutch-land for work. years ago I had to chose: chemist or cook. I picked chemist...but lately I have been working on foods. Research Scientist who definitely can not spell.

So there I am, a PhD under my belt, a very sweet man patiently waiting for me at home, far too much eaten chocolate and a closet full of ill-fitting clothes (resulting from the chocolate-eating activity).

And now taking in the life of Rotterdam, hoping to catch up with my knitting, and making lots of new friends along the way!