It 's been a while, and surprisingly not a lot has changed... I am still here, STILL waiting to take my driving test and Zurich is still the final destination.
BUT I have kept busy.
I have been knitting, and crocheting, and meeting new future friends, and crafting some more.
Wanna see?
First, the tooth. It's a present for my dentist who spent around 15 hours sorting out my abscess and then root canal...all free of charge as I was his case patient for his post-grad dissertation! Made of wool and acrylic felt and hand stitched/embroidered. It is stuffed with polyfil. Pattern from the book "Softies".
Then a plethora of presies for a little baby girl who is almost a month old. The tree is as for the tooth and I included a rattle ( a kinder egg container with small beads sealed and nested in the stuffing) which I secured by stitching the top of the tree and the trunk all the way through the stuffing.
Then a small but perfeclty formed cardigan. Wendy merino wool on 4mm to knit the larger version of the Baby Sachiko kimono sweater, by Erika Flory (Free in the Winter 2007 issue of "for the love of yarn":

So simple, yet so effective!
The front was all me !
I also discovered how big 9 inches really is when asked to knit some squares for Oxfam...I really did think it looked mu ch smaller than that ;-)
And as summer approaches...Monkey needs new clothes!