Thursday, 5 April 2007

More Karmic post...

Also known as why-oh-why...

Dear Cosmic postman,
Thank you for delivering my eyes yesterday (yes, you read that correctly...more of that later) but I could have done without the extra ex-housemate aggro. Let it be known to the Universe that B. is not a nice individual (he is taking out a bit chunk of my deposit for no other than 'he can') and i really hope you have some Karma to give him soon. Please help me find a new job somewhere nice with nice people.
Thank you!

Now the state of affairs is this: I want a new job but I don't know what...but there are worst ways to spend the Easter weekend.

Now if only i could crochet/knit full time for a living... mmh, note to self...must get notebook...

But this all thing is making me realise good things about other people...including BF...who is turning out to be a lot more supportive than I was expecting...and it makes me more grateful for the decent people in my life. so good Karma all round!!

So turns out the glass is half-full...who would have thought... ;-)

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