Monday, 24 September 2007

So I wait...

Another 11 days before the first clue of the SOS (much better than SotS) is released, another 4 days before Chrysopolys... What's a girl to do?

Why, dye new yarn of course!

And change my mind entirely about which colourway to use for which...

So now I wait, patiently for the clues to appear so I can decide how to knit what depending on the style of each...

In the meantime I am trying to finish WIPs to make room and time, and yes, following the reading of Knit Kimono the gignormous Textured Tunic from Fitted Knits is being frogged despite being at "just missing the arms now" stage to hopefully become a still-heavy-but-more-wearable fan-pattern jacket.

All of that without any Sprout news..yet...*sigh*

Yes there will be pictures of yarns and swatch and fan pattern, and maybe even some of tiny bottle hats and Print-O-the-Wave lace... all in good time!

1 comment:

Saskia said...

still no sprout... I'm huge, but he/she's obviously having a great time inside my tummy... So now I wait...
Everything ok there?